Hey, I'm Karen
I believe my greatest purpose in this life is to be a wife to Dave and mom to Jake & Ariel. I have a passion for all things design, hosting parties, crunching numbers, and reading non-fiction. And although I only have one, I'm an avid dog lover. I'm also business owner embarking on this writing journey! I guess you can now call me an author obsessed with helping people create lasting habits rooted in The Truth and modeled by The Way!
It’s so good to meet you! I’m “rooting” for you as you begin on your journey!

While on one of my 66 day habit challenges, I believe God woke me...
up to remind me that my Bible was broken down into 66 books, the same number of days to create an automatic habit. Can you imagine a better way to shape your life and cultivate healthy habits than by following The Way? I certainly can't!

I'm known as Coach K to our incredible team...
of financial professionals. Through the years, I have led many 66 day challenges, self-development book clubs, and Bible studies. You will often hear me talking about mindset and the power of our words. Root 66 Habit Highway allows me to combine my passion for each of these areas and share them with the world in hopes that they will grow as a result.

I love storytelling...
as a way to communicate a message and connect with others. I am thrilled to share pieces of my life - some of my most embarrassing moments, darkest experiences, and valuable lessons - in hopes that they draw you in to discover more of Jesus.